Contact us


Michael Deane, M.Sc.,                                 
Lifetime specialist in Health & Healing,
including Spiritual Well-being matters.
Fully Certified CyberScan Technician.

Olga Deane, M.D.
Medical Counsellor-Women’s Issues
Spiritual Health Guidance

Contact. Consultations. Fees.

Please use the email panel below right for all initial contact, which will lead to an initial consultation by phone or Skype. IF you decide to proceed then you will be asked to supply a very small sample of hair for detailed diagnosis.

There is no need for your physical presence; where you live doesn’t matter at all. This new science can and does determine what is or is not going on within the entire person, through just a few strands of hair. That might seem ridiculous to some people but it IS absolutely correct!

After diagnostics are done, a personally tailored, organic treatment, will be posted first class including simple instructions and report commentary. This is done at 2 weekly intervals thereafter. Each cycle based on a “Re-Scan”, an update of the Master Scan Diagnosis. In this way, your treatment remains sharply focused, dynamic, and continuously refined, as we reach the root of the issue(s) that lie behind your symptoms.

Our philosophy is: “People Before Profit.”  That is a sincere statement of egalitarian principle, of the provenance that hypernatural ‘scalar wave’ technology brings to the process of ‘whole person’ healing.



Truly Remarkable Energy Medicine

  • Delivers a deep and hyper-detailed diagnostic scan of the whole person, averting human error.
  • Identifies all parts of the body that are in some way out of balance, over stressed, infected, dysfunctional, and progressively degenerative…
  • Ranks and prioritises all of the above using patented technologies.
  • Arranges the prescription of an organic, drug free, tailor-made saline solution according to the CyberScan diagnosis.
  • Promotes the harmonization of the whole self: healing, balancing, refreshing, de-stressing. Renewing and reinvigorating the ‘body parts’ other healing modalities are unlikely to reach…

CyberScan is not subsidized by NHS