The testimonials in this section are all spontaneous expressions of thanks by real people. However, there are greater numbers of equally real and satisfied people who, for one reason or another, cant find a pen, envelope or stamp to drop us a line. That means, unfortunately, that the range of success stories is ridiculously narrow. Here are a few recurrent examples that should be added to the menu of successes:

ADHD, ADD, ADS, AIDS, Autism, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Anger Management, Angina, Anxiety (inc Panic &/or Depression),  Asthma, Brain Aneuyrism, Autoimmune disorders, Chronic Fatigue, Connective Tissue issues, Dementia, Drainage & Detoxification, Endometriosis, Fibromyalgia, Glandular Fever, Hashimotos, Herpes, Heavy Metals, HIV, Infertility, Incontinence, ME, Menopause/ Menstruation (Hormone Imbalance), Parkinsons, Pesticides poisoning, Progressive Bulbar Palsy, Psoriasis, Respiratory Tract Infection, Sexual Disorders … and a few with no name at all!

“Hi Michael. My dad went for his appointment today to check his bloods (After 12 weeks Leukaemia treatment). The doctor was surprised at how good it was and how it had maintained. His platelets has gone up, his hemoglobin levels were up and even his neutrophils were up. Thank you so very much!” 

SC, UK (After 12 weeks Leukaemia treatment)

A couple in their forties-

My husband had been experiencing an increasing number of migraines that had become constant and debilitating. He had been taking some over the counter pain medications that were not effective and the next step was to have a head scan. Within 3 days of starting the cyberscan treatment the headaches had resolved and he was feeling much better. He completed 2 cycles of treatment but was not able to continue with a 3rd due to family issues. He did not have a single headache until  one mild one this week – more than 2 months after.

I had electromagnetic sensitivity to the point that I would get a headache and toothache, feel nauseous and have a gut ache within seconds of speaking on the phone, I could ‘feel’ electromagnetic fields in shops, from aerials and even from fridges. (I was seated beside a wall having coffee in a coffee shop one day and started to feel ill and could feel a field, when I went next door into the fruit shop the fridge section was on the other side of the coffee shop table where I had been sitting and felt ill). I had some cyberscan treatment for the electrosensitivity and have been better since. Only on the odd occasion now do I feel some sensitivity in my tooth but it does not make me totally debilitated like before.( Both planning to return for more sessions).

Client in her forties, diagnosed with thyroid problems but medication postponed due to surgery for ovarian cysts. After surgery she decided to come to me to try out the Cyberscan rather than go on medication. After 2 Cyberscan sessions she returned to her GP who retested her and said that there was such a marked improvement that there was no need to medicate. She has had several more Cyberscan sessions, more tests and still no need to medicate. This is still the case 2 years later.


I was very intrigued with the service that Cyberscan and it’s “all system” support might be able to provide me during a time of distress in my life. My call for help was due to mental exhaustion, depression from worries, and other psyche challenges.  I felt unable to make changes in life direction and just felt weary every day.  On a physical level I have had challenges with sleep disorder, poor metabolic function, persistent anemia, low thyroid, early year parasites – causing who knows what, high vaccine exposure from foreign travel and PTSD.  Every day seemed to be a challenge, mostly on a mental/emotional level.

When I submitted my hair sample I knew a change was coming for me.  My carrier liquid for the energetic balancing arrived promptly, with simple instructions of “just start taking them.”  Small shifts started to occur.  My ability to see more clearly about what I wanted/needed in my lifebecame easier.  A shift in my focus and determination became stronger and I started to actually see the potential for bigger life and living the way I desired.  Since I had already been doing a series of blood tests for continual check of thyroid, cholesterol, B12 and Vit D, it was interesting to note that the vitamin levels began to normalize, the thyroid is still finding it’s normal point and best to note the cholesterol levels are improving.

I know that the scanner is sending vibrational changes to my energy matrix and the energetic balancing is helping to condition the body and make whatever dietary/supplementation changes even more effective.  It is a helpful relief to a VERY LONG round of depressed expression.

I am now experiencing a better professional outlook, a more generally healthy physical sense and my mental outlook is focused and inspired. This tool is a real benefit to anyone wishing to make positive changes in their mental/emotional/physical/psychological being. I am very grateful for the outcomes and will continue to bring the best into my experience.

Bridgit Martin

Licensed Massage Therapist, Whole Health Educator, LifeWorks Wellness, McConnellsburg, PA

We have been seeing Dr. Y. since Dec 2016. A very nagging shoulder problem that I have had since about 1996, and has been getting worse and making it hard to sleep, had defied the efforts of a Medical Dr., a Chiropractor, a Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Dr., two really excellent Physical Therapists, and a Dr. of Osteopathy/Holistic/Ayurvedic.

In the first 4 weeks with CyberScan, it was 90% gone and now, after 10 weeks is 99% gone.

Mother and daughter each suffer from severely debilitating mystery illness:

“Something happened yesterday afternoon – I had an epithany –  to do with the way I was relating to certain family members.  I suddenly saw what I was doing and it really has not been good for me.  No wonder I made myself ill!

I’ve had a great day today, been out and about with loads of energy and even been out for dinner, which is something I have not been able to do for well over a year!

My daughter has managed to come off 2 drugs over the last 2 weeks with seemingly no ill effects.  Its apparent now how much they were messing with her head and she looks more like herself and is creating costumes and things from her bed.  With all the challenges she is facing at the moment is coping pretty well.

So a day to treasure and some very good news – thank you.”

M. M. UK


“I am a 90 year old widow with a lifelong respiratory weakness, and vulnerability to pneumonia and pleurisy. Last year I got terrible flu but my nephew fixed me up (with CyberScan). It worked wonders; I was totally clear of all mucous within two weeks. Now I keep the lads number by my phone!”


My hairdresser suggested I tried the CyberScan, she had and gotten a result for her skin issues and menopause problems. So I tried it, half heartedly I must say. Im 84, nothing does much for me anymore. But, after 4 months on the CyberScan I feel energized, clear of mind, just wonderful. Cyberscan is brilliant, in my opinion.


Remember the horse I emailed you about?

He’s doing fine, already after one week the eye was almost back to normal, and at this point there’s no visible difference compared to his other eye.

I did two scans on the eye (incl human like you said) bacteria, parasites and viruses all on level 1-3, and now he’s on a full list incl the whole Horses group 1-12 and i think it Will be the final one.


AUTISM (x 3)

“After 5 months treatment, David, an autistic 9 year old boy was better focused, emotionally more stable, less aggressive, developing sense of humour.”

“Another boy, 3 year old Matteo, had poor eyesight, poor muscle condition, was non-verbal, emotionally volatile including banging his head against walls; these conditions showed improvement in 4 months and included counting from 1-10 forwards and back. Seizures also ceased.”

“The longest period of treatment, 30 months, concerned a 5 year old boy. He had suffered constant seizures, was suspected of deafness, & was non-verbal. Seizures disappeared eventually and he can now talk. The improvement on his ATEC (Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist) was 90 points over the period.”

"Ref. Autism One Conference, Chicago, USA, May 2015"

And If I haven’t done it I want to thank you for this incredible technology so many of my patients have benefited from your machine.


My hairdresser suggested I tried the Cyberscan, she had and gotten a result for her skin issues and menopause problems. So I tried it, half hardheartedly I must say. Im 84, nothing does much for me anymore. But, after 4 months on the eeWater I feel energized, clear of mind, just wonderful. Cyberscan is brilliant, in my opinion!


Lyme Disease

I was talking to you in the class about a video that my daughter made about her journey with Lyme Disease.  Towards the end of the video she says that “we started a new treatment in November of 2015″… this is when we started with CyberScan from Toni.  Feel free is use this video if people ever question this technology!  We are true believers and 3 survivors with our lives back!  So I guess I should Thank You for saving our lives!!!

Laura O


Today, six months after starting the CyberScan, Christine is healthy and happy. She eats freely now, consuming healthy and nourishing meals, snacking like a kid, and enjoying treats like ice cream and chocolate without the having the fear that she is “doing something wrong”!


Thank you. Differences are quite striking and, most importantly, the impact of eeWater noticeably better.



I was really scared, the doctors are telling me I’m going to need surgery. By the Grace of God I get a note about CyberScan. I asked to be scanned for the digestive issues the doctors were telling me I had (not mentioning the chronic fatigue of 10+ years and worsening). WOW; no trace of the diverticulosis the doctors were telling me I had. Since starting eewater treatments my energy levels have been steadily going up and up, and my digestive-fatigue issues are Gone! Really Really Big Thank You CyberScan!



“My cyberscan experience: I started with a little spoon (of eeWater) 2 times a day for about 2 months. Already after 24 hours my hot flashes were less than usual. After a week I had some days( for i think about one week) that i was very nauseous and had a extreme headache. After this week i did not have my period until now and no more hot flashes, no more Menopause complaints.

I must say that i am very happy with the results. So thank you very much for my introduction to cyberscan. A lot of hugs Anja Fonseca.”

A.F. Holland


Every time that I have a Cyberscan session, I become more amazed about the its’ accuracy . I am completely astonished about the technology. My insomnia, constipation and others problems have been solved. I am relaxed about my health. I don’t have words to express my gratitude.

E.B. Colombia


During the Cyberscan applications, I have specially observed a great deal of fungal infections. Just after the sixth application, I could ingest almost all the foods that were earlier not possible.

B.K. Australia


“I was given a precautionary MRI following a car crash in July. They found shadows in the scan which I was told was tumours on my spine. My wife was devastated; I was numb. Four months later, on the verge of treatment, I was introduced to a guy with CyberScan. Long story shortened, he scanned me on 3 separate occasions and found nothing to confirm the MRI results, but did find “Cavernous Malformations.” Oh what a Christmas we had!”



“I was drained beyond belief by a long drawn out divorce. Stressed and clinically depressed, I was ‘maxed out’ on credit, drinking way too much. Having noted my Prozac consumption a friend sent a voucher for 3 months treatment … months later I feel renewed, smiling again, brighter, leaner, fitter. And, I was surprised to find, I don’t reach for the bottle every night, anymore! CyberScan took a while to get me on the right track, but it certainly did the business in the end.”



I am so happy to have my lifelong heart arrhythmia resolved.  And after only the 4th CyberScan session for something that I have had since childhood and worked on in many ways over the years.  I can now make it up the mountain without stopping, and with no  spiking heart rate.  And my heart feels great.  Thank you!!



3 months into my Cyberscan sessions, 90% of all of my symptoms from Lyme’s dissipated. Cyberscan is amazing.



My 3 year old son on the spectrum went from non-verbal to verbal after 3 months of Cyberscan sessions. We are blown away.



“I found that Cyber Scan provides a multi layered and fascinating insight into one’s health and the organic processes that underlie it.  The level of detail is amazing!  It can hone in on very specific and accurate details.  It appears to be able to access very subtle influences at an early stage of development and thereby provide early warning of conditions that need attention.  This early warning is very valuable.  Obviously the earlier something is addressed the easier to fix it.  The eeWater meds address conditions in a very gentle and subtle way.  This is a real gift.”

N.T. Ireland

Pre-2014 Testimonials: CyberScan, Germany

From: (note: “CyberTrone” was changed to CyberScan, to reflect the current name of the device)


Patient R. H., 32 years of age, Radio and TV technician: Epilepsy since 16 years with an average of two massive attacks per week. The CyberScan-treatment began in November 2009 with two-week treatment cycles and three-week cycles since March this year. The patient does not want to discontinue the treatment as he has not had an epileptic attack since 26th February 2010 (more than six months).

R.H. Germany


Patient V. D., 64 years of age, Electrical engineer: Irritable colon with 10-12 defecations per day. Extensive detoxification and mycosis treatment with CyberScan relieved the patient of his problem after five sessions.

V.D. Germany


Patient U. D., 8 years of age: ADHD-Syndrome (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) with learning disorders, disorders of the fine motor skills and aggressiveness. Just after the third (!!) CyberScan-treatment, the girl’s mother reported that she has become calmer, is not so aggressive anymore, is not afraid of going to school and is commended by her teacher at school.

U.D. Germany


Patient B. K., 31 years of age, Cloth-salesperson: Pollen-allergy and multiple food allergies since many years. During the CyberScan-applications, I have specially observed a great deal of fungal infections. Just after the sixth application, the patient could ingest almost all the foodstuffs that were earlier not possible. The pollen allergy can be analysed only in the coming spring.

B.K. Germany


Four female patients, 22, 26, 38 and 43 years of age: After an MRI of the brain and cerebro-spinal fluid puncture, the shattering diagnosis: Starting stage of multiple sclerosis. After eight sessions and in two cases after 10 CyberScan-sessions, the starting symptoms of deficiency disappeared, the dark regions in the brain had completely disappeared in case of one patient and reduced by 50% in case of the other three patients. The doctors who diagnosed it talked of a possible mix-up of the patients’ files. The four patients did not undergo any other treatment except for CyberScan.



Patient B. L., 42 years, Police officer: Depressive mood, dizziness, gastritis since a few months. Just after the second CyberScan application, B. L. comes to my clinic beaming with joy: “The tinnitus that bothered me for more than 10 years has disappeared!” Tinnitus has never been previously discussed! After the fourth application, the stomach problems had gone away and from the seventh sessions on he could completely discontinue the antidepressants, the dosage which was being gradually reduced before.

B.L. Germany


Patient N. K., 37 years of age, Housewife: Dizziness of unknown reasons since many years. Just after two (!!) CyberScan-treatments, the vertigo attacks and their intensity reduced. No dizziness any more after the sixth treatment.

N.K. Germany


Just after the second Cyberscan application, “The tinnitus that bothered me for more than 10 years has disappeared!” Tinnitus has never been previously discussed! After the fourth application, the stomach problems had gone away and from the seventh sessions on he could completely discontinue the antidepressants, the dosage which was being gradually reduced before.

B.L. Germany