“Fear not, my Holly, I shall use no magic. Have I not told thee that there is no such thing as magic,
though there is such a thing as understanding and applying the forces which are in Nature?”

Rider Haggard, "She" Ch 17

Peer Reviewed References

Note: This section exists to provide references and studies to support the existence of scalar waves & their unique characteristics.

Scalar Wave Theory:

Scalar Waves

*reference: Meyl, K.: Scalar Waves: Theory and Experiments, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 15, No.2, June 2001, ISSN 0892-3310, pp.199-205

Wireless Energy Transfer:

reference: Meyl, K.: Advanced Concepts for Wireless Energy Transfer, High efficient Power Engineering with Scalar Waves, International Congress-Publications, Weinfelden, 23.+24.06.2001, Jupiter-Verlag, Page 41-49

and: http://www.guns.connect.fi/innoplaza/energy/conference/Weinfelden/

Consequences of the Extended Field Theory

*reference: Meyl, K.: Consequences of the Extended Field Theory, PIERS Proceedings, Progress in electromagnetic research, Stockholm, Sweden, August 13, 2013, page 930 – 935.


Self-consistent Electrodynamics

*reference: Meyl, K.: Self-consistent Electrodynamics, PIERS Proceedings, Progress in electromagnetic research, Technical University Moscow, Russia, August 20, 2012, page 172 – 177


Tesla Technology:

Scalar Wave Effects ( Zbornik Radova Proceedings )

*reference: Meyl, K.: Reproduction of the Scalar Wave Effects of Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower, Intern. Scientific and prof. Meeting June 28, 2006 Zagreb, Croatia, IEEE+Croatian Academy of Engineering, Zbornik Radova Proceedings, page 95

conference programm: http://www.hatz.hr/TESLA/root_files/programme_enu.html

Field-physical basis

reference: Meyl, K.: Wireless Tesla Transponder Field-physical basis for electrically coupled bidirectional far range transponders according to the invention of Nikola Tesla, SoftCOM 2006, 14th intern. Conference, 29.09.2006, IEEE and Univ. Split, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, ISBN 953-6114-89-5, page 67-78

Scalar Wave Transponder:

Far Range Transponder

*reference: Meyl, K.: Far Range Transponder, Field-physical basis for electrically coupled bidirectional far range transponders, Proceedings of the 1st RFID Eurasia Conference Istanbul 2007, ISBN 978-975-01566-0-1, IEEE Catalog Number: 07EX1725, page 78-89

Wireless Power Transmission by Scalar Waves

*reference: Meyl, K.: Wireless Power Transmission by Scalar Waves, PIERS Proceedings, Progress in electromagnetic research, Technical University Moscow, Russia, August 21, 2012, page 664 – 668


Wireless Power Transmission by Enlarging the Near Field

*reference: Meyl, K.: Wireless Power Transmission by Enlarging the Near Field, PIERS Proceedings, Progress in electromagnetic research, Stockholm, Sweden, August 15, 2013, page 1735 – 1739.


Scalar Waves in medicine and the biological effectiveness:

Drug effects by scalar waves

*reference:Johannes Ebbers and Konstantin Meyl: Drug effects in yeast mediated by scalar waves, Medical Science, 2014, 8(30), pp. 58-62, http://www.discovery.org.in/PDF_Files/md_083002.pdf

Cell Biology

*reference: Meyl, K.: “DNA and Cell Resonance: Magnetic Waves Enable Cell Communication”, DNA and Cell Biology. April 2012, 31(4): 422-426. doi:10.1089/dna.2011.1415.

Biomedical and Life Sciences

*reference: Meyl, K.: “Task of the introns, cell communication explained by field physics”, JOURNAL OF CELL COMMUNICATION AND SIGNALING, Volume 6, Number 1 (2012), 53-58, DOI: 10.1007/s12079-011-0152-0

*reference: Meyl, K.: Cellular Communication, signaling and control from the different perspectives of Biology, Chemistry and Field physics,

WMSCI 2012 Proceedings Vol.II, page 113 – 117, Chair of BMIC/ WMSCI 16th World Conference Orlando, Florida, USA, July 18, 2012.


*reference: Meyl, K.: Cellular Communication by Magnetic Scalar Waves, PIERS Proceedings, Progress in electromagnetic research, Technical University Moscow, Russia, August 22, 2012, page 997 – 1000


Potential Vortex:

*reference: Meyl, K.:About Vortex Physics and Vortex Losses, Journal of Vortex Science and Technology, Ashdin Publishing, Vol. 1 (2012), Article ID 235563, 10 pages doi:10.4303/jvst/235563

Faraday vs. Maxwell

reference: Meyl, K.: Faraday vs. Maxwell, Nikola Tesla Energy Science Conference, Washington DC 08.11.2003, IRI

reference: Meyl, K.: Neutrinolysis, the alternative splitting of water, the natural source of energy, Fuel Cell Departement, invited by the Argonne National Laboratory, July 26th 2004

reference: Meyl, K.: Neutrino Power and the Existence of Scalar waves, 2004 Extra Ordinary Technology Conference, Salt Lake City, UT July 29-Aug.1, Conference Program, page 7

*reference: Meyl, K.:“Vortex Physics”, Proceedings of the Natural Philosophy Alliance, Vol.9, page 380 – 387, keynote speaker at the 19th annual conference of the NPA, July 27, 2012, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

